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Rooting hormone Powder - 50g

Rooting hormone Powder - 50g


Product details


Rooting hormone is a substance applied to the cut end of a plant cutting (usually a stem or leaf) to promote the development of roots. It contains plant hormones, primarily auxins, which stimulate the formation of roots. The rooting hormone helps increase the chances of successful propagation by encouraging the growth of new roots from the cutting.


  1. Powder form: This is a dry, powdered rooting hormone that you dip the cut end of the plant into before planting.

  2. Liquid form: This type of rooting hormone is a liquid solution that you can either dip the cutting into or apply directly to the cut surface.

  3. Gel or paste form: These are thicker substances that adhere well to the cutting. You apply them to the cut end, and they stick to the plant material.

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