How to grow Carrot?
Selection of Carrot Seeds:
- Select Carrot seeds that are healthy and from a reliable source.
- Ensure the seeds are not expired.
Preparation of potting mix:
- Mix the expanded Cocopeat with Redsoil, Vermicompost in a ratio that suits your needs (2:1:1).
- Then add the required amount of Bio-Fertilizers and Neem Cake Powder.
- The growing medium is now ready for planting.
Care to be taken
- The potting mix should be porous, having good aeration.
- Well-decomposed compost should be used.
- The potting mix should not contain any stones or rocks which may cause splitting in Carrot.
Sowing Method
- Maintain the distance between two seeds as recommended
- Sowing seeds deeper than 1 inch will make it difficult for the seeds to germinate.
- Keep the potting mix moist till the seeds germinate.
Germination of Carrot Seeds:
- Observe the seeds for germination.
- If the seeds do not germinate within 15 days, then resow the seeds.
Care to be taken:
- Consistent moisture is needed for the seeds to germinate.
Flea Beetle on Carrot Plant
- The symptoms of the attack appear as small holes on the leaves.
- Young plants and seedlings are mainly susceptible to this pest.
- Remove the severely affected leaves.
- To control them, mix MyOwnGarden Neem Oil @3-5ml in 1L of water and spray it on the plants. (Add 1 tablespoon of mild soap in prepared solution)
- Spray Neem Oil after every 3-4 days to arrest intense pest attacks.
- Discard severely infected plant parts properly.
- Spray MyOwnGarden Neem Oil after every 10 or 15 days, to prevent pest attacks and every 3-4 days to arrest intense attacks.
Care to be taken:
- Do not mix biopesticide with chemicals
- Use only recommended quantity.
- Always spray in wind direction.
Application of plant booster
- For better growth Add 100-200 gram of Vermicompost or Cowdung (Dry) per pot weekly once.
- Mix 5-10ml of plant booster in 1 L of water and spray this solution on the leaves or drench it in the potting mix.
- Plant boosters like Panchagavya / Seaweed Extract / Fish Amino Acid may be applied which helps in the growth and development of the plant.
- Loosen the top 1-2 inch of potting mix without disturbing the roots of the plant so that it can uptake the nutrients and moisture easily.
Care to be taken:
- Before application of plant booster, ensure that the potting mix is moist.
- Do not damage the roots while loosening the potting mix.
Harvesting of carrot
- Generally they're ready around 70-80 days after sowing.
- Harvesting varies with season, climate and variety.
- The one with a diameter of about 2-3 cm usually have the best flavor.
- Loose the potting mix arount the Carrot and pull out gently by holding near the base of the plants.
Care to be taken:
- Twist the leaves off rather than cutting them off to prevent juices from bleeding.
- Do not water before harvesting the Carrots.
Exposing potting mix in the sun
- After harvesting, the same pot with its soil may be used for next sowing.
- Loosen the potting mix before using it.
- Expose the potting mix in sun 1-2 days if possible.
- After this, add compost and the potting mix is ready for the next crop.
Care to be taken:
- Do not add compost before sun-drying the soil.